I've collected all sorts of resources for software development and technical leadership across my professional experience. I've included some of the best here for your reference.

Effective Management

Manager Tools - The single best resource on how to be an effective manager. Practical and comprehensive, these podcasts are free and for a small fee you can access the transcripts to read instead of listen. They also provide training to improve effective communication and implement the managerial best practices they recommend.

Effective Software Development

Joel On Software - Wonderful insights from a professional developer with guides for developers looking for companies that care about professional software development.

Software Engineering Radio - A podcast series from IEEE on topics highly relevant to today's software developer. I've found topics such as performance and virtualization that I have learned much from here.

Eric Sink - A blog on professional software development, in particular he's written a number of software version control systems. He has published what I believe is the definitive guide to effective use of version control for professional developers in a free set of articles.

Jeff Attwood - Of Coding Horror fame, this blog is great at helping point out how to (and how not to) code. He's turned them into a couple books, too.

Effective Mindfulness

Search Inside Yourself - The mindfulness program started at Google by Chade-Meng Tan and used by corporations to help promote mind-training and bring the best out in their staff.

Effective Start-ups

Paul Graham - Paul is an entrepreneur with experience starting tech companies and exiting. He has a collection of essays that I've particularly enjoyed on topics in and around start-ups, investment and technology.